Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Shy Baby!

Thursday was our big day! We finally went in for the ultrasound that we missed last month. While sitting in the waiting room, we were excited to see ultrasound pictures another mom had. They were as clear as day and the images made us even more excited to see our own little one. .
Unfortunately the baby chose this day to be shy! It had its hand in front of its face the whole time, so we couldn't get any good shots. The technology is amazing, but it can only get you so far when the baby is playing peek a boo! Despite not being able to see its face, the ultrasound is still an amazing experience.. We cannot wait to see our little guy/girl and were happy to have the doctor move the due date back to May 10th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Caus your blog is cool. Hope to see a picture of the baby on it in the future. John Carrigan, Pittsfield MA